December 15, 2005

Done I am

So today was my last final and I am done with my sophomore year now (at least here at Shippensburg University). I'm little ruffled though because I raced through my test so that the professor could catch a train out of here. I really would have liked to have read what I wrote because I was just writing like a madwoman. Guess I won't find out how I did until I see my grade. Man I hope its an A, or even an A- or even a B+, my GPA needs the help.


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    "Done I am"? Have you been taking speech lessons from Yoda?

    Well, I am glad to hear that you have gotten through "Hell Week" and beyond. I kind of can't believe you would use such a term. It's almost like cussin'. I, myself, have only typed it, so it's not the same as saying it.

    By the by, I ran into Tara and Selena at Sears last week and talked to them. I promoted your blogsite, but Tara said she wouldn't be able to remember the address. Ah, well.


  2. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Oops! I originally was supposed to tell you how I think it is way unfair for the prof to rush you through a test like that. Was it a whole class of students who were rushed?


  3. "Hell week" is not like swearing. Hell is being used as the hot place where people are tortured. I was under the impression that that reference is an ok time to use the word Hell.

    I was the last person in the class, but there were a handful that may have been rushed as well.

    Haven't talked to you in forever. How r u?
