March 22, 2008

Coloring Eggs

This week I've been in Pittsburgh (which I will post about later). I made it home just in time to be swept over to my grandparent's house for our annual Easter Egg Coloring Get-together. I ended up taking so long on each egg that I only got to decorate three eggies. I had Peeps on my brain, so what do you know? that's what appeared on one of my eggs. One was a miserable failure, so we will not discuss that one. And finally, the last one celebrated the 'feet' of Easter--namely cow, chick, and bunny feet.

What can I say? I had to amuse myself.

But, I am not going to lie, I am pleased with how they turned out this year (except for that one we were not going to talk about).

Peep Easter EggFeet Easter Egg
You can judge for yourself.


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    ahahahahaha...too cute! my sister, brother-in-law, and i colored eggs...they have a golden sheen to them. Easter isn't complete without the eggs

  2. Okay, maybe it is just me, why would you color eggs? Does the Easter bunny take them and hide them for you? I am sorry if I come off mean. I just didn't think anyone colored eggs anymore. Well I can see that Emily and you color eggs. I remember coloring eggs when I was 10. At least you are reliving your youth and beating getting old factor. Go Jenn Bly!

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    ouch...we're beating getting old....haha

  4. Actually, yes, the Easter bunny did take them and hide them for me--on my relative's farm.

    AND, the average age of the people I was coloring eggs with was about 80 years old. So even 60 years from now I still plan on having fun!

  5. Anonymous8:54 PM

    that's right! colored eggs all the way! our age has no say!
